The cold light of day (again)
I was rather despondent last night, thinking thoughts along the lines of "I can't do this! I'm a failure! What made me think I could be a teacher?", but I forced myself this morning to re-read my tutor's comments, and actually, they're not that bad. I think when he went over them yesterday afternoon, all I was focusing on was the bad bits, and any good points washed over me. But there are good points, and when I spoke to my colleagues this morning they were very encouraging. That doesn't change the fact that I still got one Unsatisfactory out of four, but it made me feel better!
The teacher of the vile S2s (as opposed to the slightly-less-vile S2s I had yesterday) has resorted to bribery, telling them that they will get a reward period if they manage to get through the week without any punishment exercises. I have my doubts!
As well as taking account of the differing needs of my pupils, I will also have to learn that teachers have different standards. The teacher of my F/G S4s left me alone with them for the first time today and came back at one point to say she could hear them from the other room. I know they weren't exactly silent, but I wasn't really bothered, and it's difficult to know what is acceptable, as the other - G/C - S4 class I am with is far noisier, and their teacher doesn't seem to mind! I suppose it's all about fitting in with the class teacher this year, and maybe waiting until next year to decide on my own rules and boundaries.
I can't believe this is the second-last week of this placement. It's gone really quickly, but at the same time it does seem a while since I was at Jordanhill, and when we go back I will no longer be able to ignore my looming assignment / English unit task / APD research project / portfolio completion / nervous breakdown...