Shakespeare's rubbish...
...or so my PT would have it.
An innocent comment to him was met with an interrogation on what I was doing, what on earth was the point of teaching iambic pentameter, and a 15 minute lecture on why Shakespeare's not relevant. Not sure exactly what he wanted me to do at this stage - perhaps say "Yes, you're absolutely right, I'll stop teaching Julius Caesar forthwith, tear up this carefully constructed plan and do a lesson on Holy Willie's Prayer instead". I was rather taken aback - I didn't expect ever to have to justify the teaching of Shakespeare to an English Principal Teacher of all people - but stood my ground and am going ahead regardless.
I am comforting myself with the thought that it's not so much my lesson plan that he objects to (although that too), but the whole concept of teaching Shakespeare when there is so much Scottish literature to choose from. Now, I like Burns as much as the next woman, but I happen to like Shakey more, and in fact he is one of the reasons I want to be an English teacher. I now have even more reason to hope that my crit goes well, as the last thing I want is my PT saying "I told you so".
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