Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

If you have tears, prepare to shed them now

(not really)

It went fine, hurrah! Time got the better of me, and the most fun task I had planned (a 'cloze' task using Sonnet 57...OK, maybe not everyone's idea of fun) had to be cut short, but I can finish that tomorrow. I think they 'got' the iambic pentameter concept, which was the main thing, and some of them were so enthusiastic I wondered if they thought my tutor was there to assess them, and not me!

I still only managed Satisfactories rather than Merits, but at least there were four of them this time. I would eventually like to be a really good teacher, but at the moment, being 'good enough' is good enough for me!

It was an absolutely tortuous day though, as I had the whole day to get through before my crit in period 6, and I can honestly say I have rarely been so nervous in my life. For the first time this placement, I don't actually have to spend the evening planning, as I'm only teaching one lesson tomorrow (poetry with S1) and I have already planned it. So a night in front of the telly is in order, I think.


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