Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sighs of relief and sighs of despair

It is slightly ironic that I started this blog as a record of my progress / struggle through my PGDE year, yet I have been too busy to write in it!

However, I have breathed a huge sigh of relief after passing my final crit (I felt physically sick, that's how nervous I was), and now have only my school report, research project, assignment, presentation, final worry about, not forgetting all the lessons I still have to teach. It has truly been the quickest year of my life and I can't quite believe that I am nearly there.

I have also waved goodbye to my two tutees, who sit their respective exams on Friday. It feels like quite a responsibility; I was mostly in it for the money but I would hate them to fail!

I may as well get a rant out of the way while I'm here. Was it a shambles, a fiasco or a debacle? Or just evidence that we are a nation of simpletons? I'm referring of course to the staggering 140,000 spoiled ballot papers from last week's election. Not only did we all get a helpful leaflet posted to us well in advance, there were clear instructions on the wall of each booth and a lady asking every single voter if they wanted any assistance. What's not to understand?! It's like a Standard Grade candidate who doesn't read the question properly and complains that they have been unfairly penalised. Unbelievable.


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