Oh, it's all so stressful...
If I am to become a teacher, I will need to learn that spending 15 hours (at least) planning one 50-minute lesson is not really the most effective use of my time. I spent all weekend - sleeping hours included, as I dreamed about the blasted thing - thinking about Julius Caesar, and I have yet to come up with a coherent lesson plan for my crit on Wednesday. I am planning on doing something on iambic pentameter, but I'm not sure that I even understand it properly myself (I thought I did, but the more research I do, the less clear it is)!
As if that weren't enough, I have to plan for all my other classes too (oh, poor me...welcome to teaching!). Sometimes I find myself looking back with nostalgia on my days with the bank, when I could leave work at 5 and not give it another thought until 9 o'clock the following day. But then, I never thought it would be easy, and on the plus side, once I have planned my dazzling iambic pentameter lesson, I can use it again in the future (if I get that far).
Ah well, back to JC!
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