Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Oh, it's all so stressful...

If I am to become a teacher, I will need to learn that spending 15 hours (at least) planning one 50-minute lesson is not really the most effective use of my time. I spent all weekend - sleeping hours included, as I dreamed about the blasted thing - thinking about Julius Caesar, and I have yet to come up with a coherent lesson plan for my crit on Wednesday. I am planning on doing something on iambic pentameter, but I'm not sure that I even understand it properly myself (I thought I did, but the more research I do, the less clear it is)!

As if that weren't enough, I have to plan for all my other classes too (oh, poor me...welcome to teaching!). Sometimes I find myself looking back with nostalgia on my days with the bank, when I could leave work at 5 and not give it another thought until 9 o'clock the following day. But then, I never thought it would be easy, and on the plus side, once I have planned my dazzling iambic pentameter lesson, I can use it again in the future (if I get that far).

Ah well, back to JC!


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