Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Not waving but drowning

Not since I was studying for my O Grades an unbelievable 23 years ago have I had so many things to worry about (not to be melodramatic). But there is so much due round about now that I really don't know how I'm going to get it all done (unplugging my broadband cable might be a good place to start...).

For the first time since the course started I skipped a lecture today. I was considering doing that, and just going in for my APD in the afternoon when I discovered, to my delight, that we didn't have an APD session today. So I spent all day working on my assignment, with my ICT task thrown in for light relief in the middle. I finally finished that and submitted it with 48 hours to spare; somehow I don't think I'll be doing the same with the assignment, which is a bit more challenging.

On the subject of the ICT task...I consider myself to be quite a helpful person, and expect others to be equally helpful. So when I needed a very simple question on the use of Word to be answered, I thought all I had to do was post the question in the Computing forum on the course intranet, and one of the prospective Computing teachers would help me. I may not know much about ICT (until this course started I couldn't even have told you that 'IT' apparently now has a 'C' in it...), but I know enough to be able to see that although no fewer than 22 people have read my query, none of them has responded. I wouldn't mind so much, but one of their number posted a plea for help with his spelling and grammar on the English forum the last time an assignment was due, and I was only too happy to help out. Grrrrr!!!!

Anyway, apart from that I have also progressed, slowly, with the assignment, and finally feel I am getting somewhere. Not sure where, but somewhere.

Roll on Easter!


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