Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Friday, March 09, 2007

What was the point of today? I can't quite Recall...

That's not entirely true; this Recall Day was more useful than the last one, which I remember as being a complete let-down after the excitement of our first placement. At least today we got to share some of the best ideas of our placements, which served to confirm my suspicion that I am really rather a boring teacher compared to everyone else! Plenty of good ideas that I can steal though...

I had been trying for a couple of weeks to persuade people to come for a drink after we'd finished today. Out of 150-odd of us, it was a very select gathering of....five! You would think that English teachers would be a gregarious bunch, eh? Other subjects seem to be far more sociable; maybe that's because there are fewer of them and they all know each other, but I think that's all the more reason to make the effort. Ah well, we had a pleasant and convivial lunch and chat at the Three Craws anyway.

Since I came home I've been working on my Developing a Unit task. I'm kind of co-ordinating my group, and feel I should lead by example so have placed a deadline of next Thursday on everyone. Should I be worried that I haven't heard a peep out of a couple of my colleagues for six weeks? Once that's out the way I can get on with the assignment. As the last one took me about 5 hours a day for two weeks, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to manage it, but I'm sure it'll be fine!


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