Who is that hideous old crone?
The title refers to the result of my first attendance at the staff art class tonight: a self portrait which makes me look like someone's rather puzzled granny. It's spooky because it kind of looks like me, and yet not. Maybe I will take a photo of it and attempt to stick it on here - it's not as though anyone would be able to identify me from it!
I feel myself winding down in some ways, but I shouldn't really be doing that as there is still work to be done. One of the depute heads popped in unanounced to my S3 class today. He had been threatening to do this for a while - quite reasonably so, as he has to sign the students' reports - but I don't think it was the most charismatic lesson to observe, as we were mostly watching the Julius Caesar DVD.
I haven't even planned tomorrow's lessons yet, but I do have a nugget of information for the S4 class I've been teaching the poem "Wullie" to. I had told them that I thought the poet - Gordon Gibson - was an old tutor of mine, so I emailed him to ask him, and he did indeed write it. Not sure how impressed the class will be with this information, but it puts a different slant on the poem for me.
My brother and sister-in-law set off on a year-long round-the-world trip today. I am slightly envious, but only slightly; I wouldn't mind going on an extended holiday but the idea of having to live out of a rucksack for a year really would be my worst nightmare. Good luck to them!
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