A night off at last
On holiday at last, hurrah!
I haven't had more than a fortnight off since 1985, so you would think I would be euphoric at the prospect of 3 whole weeks off (3500 word assignment and horrible Saturday job notwithstanding), and yet I feel strangely deflated. I was rather sad to be leaving school yesterday, as I felt very much at home there and as though I'd been there forever. I got a good send-off from my S2 class, from whom I'd recklessly asked for feedback; one good thing and one bad thing about my lessons. The 'good things' ranged from "she made the lessons fun and interesting" and, bizarrely, "she has a good sense of fashion", to "didn't have to do so much work" and "not getting into trouble". Not sure that the last two reflect particularly well on me!
I seem to have made quite a good impression on the kids anyway, if not on the tutor who came to visit me this week...probably best to draw a veil over my crit, as the results were not good. I was fairly philosophical about it until I went to Uni today and spoke to my fellow students, most of whom seem to have done an awful lot better than I did. Ah well, things can only get better.
But to return to making an impression on the kids, how should I feel about hearing myself described as "fit" by a third year boy? Offended? Indignant? Flattered? Disturbed? Hmmm...
Anyway, now that I am back in the real world, I feel I should go and purchase some Christmas cards and stamps and get on with it. Last posting date tomorrow, so no pressure.