Gosh, isn't it a long time since I wrote this? Well, after many visits to the English notice board, several cups of time-wasting coffee and much pacing of floors, we finally found out where we're going for placements two and three today. My response of "Eh?!" sums up my reaction...I had checked out every single school in Glasgow, fully expecting to be placed there, but instead I am going to deepest Ayrshire, to a school I hadn't heard of in a town I've never been to. Hardly the 'inner-city' placement I was assured would follow my rural one, but I'm actually quite happy with it (I think). I'm not sure what my feelings are on going back to school; part of me really wants to get back, but part of me is kind of dreading it, as I did not do particularly well in my crits and I seem to have done much less teaching than everyone else I've spoken to. It's a worry!
We started our APDs (Areas of Professional Development) last week. I am doing Media and was in a bit of a bad mood anyway at being landed with my fourth choice, when I looked out of the window and saw what was clearly the Outdoors Education class (my first choice) cavorting around outside. "It should have been me!", I managed to stop myself from screaming. However, I think I'm going to enjoy it, and while our colleagues are doing terribly worthy things like Looked After Children and Support for Learning, we watched a film and then had a good discussion about it. I'm sure it won't all be fun though!
Anyway, I have a pile of pretend marking to do for my C&P class on Thursday, so I'd better get on with it...
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