Me? A teacher?!

This is the blog of an aspiring English teacher, doing the PGDE at Strathclyde University. It may help keep me sane...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Well, I'm clearly not very good at this blogging thing, as my last post seems not to be there. Ah well!

I'm home for the weekend, and this 'distant placement' thing and its associated travelling is already doing my head in. I should have driven back down to my accommodation this afternoon, but have had a killer migraine and have spent most of the day lying around pathetically. So, I am planning on driving down to the Borders at the crack of well-before-dawn tomorrow, so as to avoid the M8 traffic and reach school in time.

This time last week, I was as scared as I have ever been, at the prospect of going back on placement. I don't know what I imagined was going to happen to me on Monday; maybe I thought I would be thrown in front of a class and told to get on with it? In the event, the teachers were very welcoming, and I feel I have settled back in. Still haven't done any actual teaching though (I don't think doing a spelling test with S2s counts), and that is a worry. However, I got to meet lots of other baby English teachers at a Local Authority in-service day on Friday, which was great.

Who knows what this week holds? Stand by for the latest thrilling (yawn...) instalment soon...


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