Can I have one of those 'time turner' things, please?
I've decided that what I really need is one of those things that Harry Potter's mate Hermione wears round her neck, to allow her to turn back time. She originally used hers so that she could be in two classes at once, but I just want more hours in the day (and in the night, as nine hours' sleep still doesn't seem to be enough).
I have my crit on Wednesday, so am preoccupied with that, but can't neglect my other lessons, so really don't know where to start today. After I've finished my retrospective lesson plans, that is, as my tutor will want to see them too. My PT also wanted to see them but I'm afraid I had to say no, as they didn't even exist at that point. Instead, I gave her a sheaf of my lesson observation notes; they are exceedingly informal and are peppered with comments such as "Kept getting flashbacks. The horror! The horror!", but at least she was chortling when I snuck off back to Glasgow at 3.30 yesterday afternoon.
As if I didn't have enough to worry (OK, moan...) about, I was told at work today that my failure to deliver any sales / leads was unacceptable and I am being put on an action plan. My response - "well in that case I'll just leave, this isn't my top priority" - was perhaps a little ill-judged, as the meagre salary I get from my Saturday job may not be much, but it is fairly essential! Hmmm....
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